Refund Policy
We allow orders to be canceled before the product is dispatched. If the order is canceled you will receive a complete reimbursement. We are unable to cancel the order if the product has already been fulfilled.
Craftersmark offers returns for items within 30 days of receipt of shipment. Please refer to Amazon Returns Policy as Craftersmark items shipped from Amazon.
Items shipped from, including Amazon Warehouse, can be returned within 30 days of delivery, with some exceptions:
- For products purchased from the Amazon Global Store, see Amazon Global Store Returns.
- For more information on refund timing and amounts (including partial refunds and restocking fees), see Refunds.
- If you have returned an item to Amazon by mistake or included something not intended for Amazon in a return, see Mistaken Returns.
- If you have already received a refund and are expected to return the item, you can create a return request. For more information about how to create a returns request see Return Items You Ordered. You will be charged if an item that is expected to be returned is not sent back to us.
- If the item has already been sent back to us and you have received an email asking you return it or have been charged for item, we will reverse the charge as soon as the return is processed by us. It might take additional time for your financial institution to make funds available in your account.
- To prevent and detect fraud and abuse, in some circumstances Amazon may require additional information and documentation from you, such as a government-issued photo identification, to consider processing a return or providing a refund or replacement. All personal information you provide will be handled in accordance with Amazon Privacy Notice, which is linked at the Amazon page.
Any questions about the cancellation and refund please feel free to contact via